During the first hour (9.00 – 10a.m.)-
With Gianni: Early Years and KS1 FRENCH BREAKFAST
With ‘Deborah’:-
9.00-9.20 Mixed Year 3 & 4 (1) a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game.
9.20-9.40 Mixed Year 3 & 4 (2) a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game.
9.40- 10.00 Year 3 a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game.
With ‘Marie’:-
9.00 – 9.20 Mixed Year 4 & 5 a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game.
9.20-9.40 Year 6 (1) a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game
9.40-10.00 Year 6 (2) a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game
During the second hour (10.00-10.55a.m.)
With ‘Deborah’:-
10.00 –10.25 Nursery Puppet and basic vocabulary (based on garçon / fille)
10.25–10.55 Mixed Year 1 & 2 (1) . Puppet + basic vocabulary and song.
With ‘Marie’:-
10.00 –10.25 Year 1 Puppet + basic vocabulary and song.
10.25–10.55 Mixed Year 1 & 2 (2) Puppet + basic vocabulary and song.
10.55 – 11.15 BREAK
During the third hour (11.15-12.15)
With ‘Deborah’:-
11.15 –11.45 Year 6 (1) TV show game
11.45– 12.15 Year 6 (2) TV show game
With ‘Marie’:-
11.15 –11.45 Reception Puppet, basic vocabulary and song.
11.45– 12.15 Year 1 Puppet, basic vocabulary and song.
12.15 till 1.15 LUNCH
During the afternoon (1.15 till 2.40p.m.)
With ‘Deborah’:-
1.15 till 1.45 Year 5 a session incorporating vocabulary , a song and game.
1.45 till 2.15 Mixed Year 3 &4 (1) to sing traditional ‘circle’ song (in hall)
2.15 till 2.40 Year 3 class and Mixed Year 3 &4 (2) ‘Circle’ song. Suitable for hall. Both classes together.
With ‘Marie’:-
1.15 till 1.30 Mix ed Year 1 & 2 (1) Singing of traditional French song. (in class)
1.30 till 1.45 Mixed Year 1 & 2 (2) Singing of traditional French song. (in class)
1.45 till 2.15 Year 5 TV show game
2.15 till 2.40 Mixed Year 4 & 5 TV show game.