On Tuesday 30 March, we will be holding further Numeracy Workshops. This time we will focus on multiplication and division. As before, there will be one workshop in the afternoon, and one workshop in the evening. These workshops will give you the opportunity to discover more about how we teach multiplication and division in the school and the methods the children will be learning. Each workshop will have three sessions. They will be based on year groups.
The afternoon session will start at 1.30pm and finish at 3.00pm.
The evening session will start at 6.00pm and finish at 7.30pm. This will be a repeat of the afternoon session.
The sessions will run as follows
1.30 / 6.00 Years 1 and 2
2.00 / 6.30 Years 3 and 4
2.30 / 7.00 Years 5 and 6
You are welcome to attend all of the sessions, or those you feel are appropriate for your child/children. We would recommend that if your child is in year 3, you also attend the year 1 and 2 session and if your child is in year 5 you also attend the year 3 and 4 session. If your child is in the lower year groups, you would benefit from seeing the follow on sessions.
During the workshops you will be given our school calculation policy, if you do not already have one.
We would strongly recommend that you attend one of the workshops in order to fully support your child with their numeracy.
Please could you reply as to which workshops and sessions you will be attending. There will be a crèche available for both sessions, but we need to know the numbers and ages of the children.
Homework set during the week of the workshops will be related to what we have covered.