Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Whole School Letter (31)

Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats between 2.20-2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this.
The rota for the Summer term is as follows:
23 April NSJB 30 April CA 7 May CH
14 May PLDD 21 May RV 28 May EM
11 June LC 18 June DBGM
21 June MONDAY KT because 25 June Non-pupil Day
2 July PSKM 9 July JC 16 July GH

Since Christmas we have had at least 11 occurrences of head lice that we have been informed about. Please can we ask that ALL parents be vigilant over the Easter break in order to treat any lice to endeavour to eradicate the problem before the summer term begins. Thank you.

Following a recent, potentially awful, incident where a parent had pulled into the school drive to drop off and then reversed out onto New Road (without looking) nearly hitting a group of children crossing New Road, we feel we have to, yet again, remind parents of the danger of using New Road to drop off/collect children. There are yellow and double yellow lines on this road for a reason, so please can we ask that you DO NOT park or drop off on the double yellow lines and DO NOT use our school drive as a drop off / turning point.
As part of our Travel Plan initiative, we had pushed SCC for some kind of zebra or lollipop crossing here or even a ‘20's Plenty’ zone (like we achieved on College Road), however their investigations showed the volume of traffic verses the number of unaccompanied children was insufficient to warrant a crossing.
Our priority is the safety of the children. As parents who use their cars on this piece of road, please can we emphasise the need for you to be fully vigilant, drive slowly and only park / drop off where it is safe to do so.
Please can we remind car users that children should alight from your vehicle onto the pavement, not the road side. Please can we also ask pedestrians to walk on the pavement beside the drive NOT on the drive itself.
We are aware that the Elms car park gets full every day, however other car parks in the town still have plenty of spaces if parents allow extra time in the mornings to walk that little bit further.
We have spoken to the local police about the situation at drop off and collection times, so parents will be aware of a police presence there over the coming weeks.
Thank you in advance for your renewed efforts on this serious issue.

The Friends will be running an end of term Cake Stall on Thursday 1 April after school in the front Playground Pavilion. PLEASE CAN WE ASK FOUNDATION AND KS1 PARENTS TO COLLECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM THE TEACHERS BEFORE BUYING CAKES. Thank you

END OF TERM – Thursday 1 April
There is no school Friday, the last day of term is Thursday and the children return on Tuesday 20 April.