The school’s Pupil Database is updated during the year with any changes to your child’s personal details. With this letter please find a copy of the latest pupil data we have for your child/ren.
Please check the details and write on any necessary amendments, sign the sheet at the bottom and then return it to the school office.
Emergency Contacts: It has been noted that some children have only 1 contact number – obviously if there is an emergency with your child and that number is unanswered it means we have no alternative contact. Wherever possible can you please provide more than 1 contact person / number.
Other Information: The system will only allow us to enter 1 selection for Travel Arrangements - if your child uses the school bus even if occasionally, please tick ‘School Bus’; otherwise tick the mode of transport that is used most frequently.
Keeping these details up to date at all times is very important and if any information should change during the year, please let us know.
Please return the data check sheet to us as soon as possible, but no later than Friday 15 October.
Each pupil data sheet MUST have a parental signature at the bottom of the page.
INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHSOn Thursday 21 October photos of all individual children and family groups will be taken. The children will be photographed in their school sweatshirts. If you wish to bring pre-school children into school to join your family group photo, please come to the hall at 8.30am.
YOUNG ART EAST ANGLIA COMPETITION AND EXHIBITIONWe have recently received information about the 2011 Young Art East Anglia competition. If your child would like to take part in this, he or she should produce a piece of art work on the theme of “Unforgettable”, using any medium except bulky collage, which is too heavy to hang. It should be no larger than A3 size and must not be mounted or laminated. The entry must be accompanied by a minimum donation of £1.00 which will help to raise money for Cancer Research UK, and the child’s name, year and school name must be printed clearly on the back. First, second and third prizes are to be awarded in each age-group (Reception to Year 2, Years 3-4, Years 5-6) and all prize-winning entries, as well as a percentage of pictures from each school, will be included in an exhibition at the Peter Pears Gallery in Aldeburgh from 11-13 March 2011. Postcards of all exhibited work will be for sale at the exhibition. Please hand all entries in to our own school office by Friday 14 January 2011.

We cannot send the boxes if there is no £2.50 to cover the transport costs. So please only send in shoeboxes with the accompanying £2.50. Extra leaflets are available from the school office.
Please return the filled shoe boxes by FRIDAY 5 NOVEMBER. Thank you.
Click on picture to go to a website with more infoprmation and videos.
Click on picture to go to a website with more infoprmation and videos.
MATCH ATTACK CARDS Reminder that these were banned last year, pupils should not bring them into school. Thank you.
HALF TERMHalf term commences on Monday 25 October, the children return on Monday 1 November.