Friday, 11 March 2011

Spirituality Workshop

The children who worked on this project were chosen from across the school from the Nursery to Year 6. They worked in family groupings of 4 or 5 children to each sculpture. They had an introductory session at school and then spent the whole of the next day at St. Michael's Church in Framlingham working on the project. They came in old clothes, with a packed lunch and were ready for action from the word go.
The 24 children were chosen from mixed cultural and religious backgrounds and they all supported each other. They even ate their packed lunches together in the church.
The sculptures were based on 6 characters from the Easter story. The children discussed their characters and their emotions. The sculptures (created from scrap materials) were made to depict their chosen character.

Some quotes from the children:
"It was quite imaginative because we had to dream up all the ideas of what they would look like". Kasper
"It was exciting. I liked pasting the best because we were on the final stage and not sure what it would look like." Alex
"I would like to do another one and another one. It was such fun." Ben
"It was exhausting". Emma
"I made some new friends." Anvika
"It was good doing it in church because there's loads of space and the story comes from the Bible, and the Bible is read in church." Freddie

On Friday 25th March the sculptures are being taken to the Cathedral in Bury St. Edmunds for display over the Easter period.
Watch this video below to see all of the finished sculptures of Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimethea, Judas, a Soldier, Pontuis Pilate and Mary Mother of Jesus.