We are delighted to let you know that Friday’s Charity day raised over £212 for the RSPCA and we also collected over 175 tins of cat and dog food. Do take a look on the BLOG to see photos of the event.
On Wednesday we have a representative of the RSPCA in to assembly to tell the children about their work locally and how our fundraising has helped them.
We still need 1 more adult for Thursday 6 June - please can you let office know if you are able to help.
Remember there is NO TRAINING THIS WEEK (as previously notified) as Mr Byer is unable to run the session.
We would like to advise you that children from Year 1 – 6 will undergo SATs tests and internal tests during this week and into next week. Please can we ask that parents exit the school buildings and grounds as soon as possible after the bell goes at 8.45am. Thank you.
Please can we ask that parents check the size of their children’s plimsolls regularly as we find that they get forgotten about until PE lessons when the children then complain they are too tight.
We have a small stock of second hand summer dresses in assorted sizes at the office. If you would like one, please do just ask at the office - we would ask for a donation of just £2 each.
It really helps with the banking if you can put your child’s name & class on the back of the cheque. When the parent’s name on the front of the cheque is different to the child’s name it can be quite a job for the office to ensure the money is matched to the correct child.
Thank you for your help on this.
WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK – 13 to 17 May
This item will not be relevant for children who come to school by bus.
We are keen to promote the wider health benefits of keeping active whilst also providing better promotion of road safety and sustainable travel and so we would encourage all families to walk to school this week if at all possible.
Please take a look at www.walktoschool.org.uk for activities, support and ideas for children and families for that week.
Some of the items in our DT cupboard are running low, we are especially in need of any unwanted wool, so if you (or any one you know) has any balls of unwanted wool please just drop it in at the school office. Thank you.