Friday 25 March 2022

Class LH scavenging in Robin Wood

Our main activity this week was to do a very special scavenger hunt.  We first had to wind two or three elastic bands onto a stick – that was tricky for some of us but we all persevered and were successful. We then completed a scavenger hunt around Robin Wood to find 10 things that we could tie onto our stick.  They had to include something that once grew or could be found on a tree and something that crunched. We were amazed with the inventiveness of each others and found some amazing things.

We studied how Robin Wood had changed over the last few weeks and noticed the buds are beginning to form and the leaves are turning a very light green ready to burst out.  Several children noticed butterflies darting about the wood too.  After that we explored Robin Wood for evidence of birds that had visited during the week.  We found some feathers and heard a few birds chirping.   

Finally, we played ‘Eagle Eyes’ which we all love and enjoy playing.  Mrs Morgan was very good at this and managed to find the nimblest of hiders.  

We then finished off the session with our snack and a reflection about our busy week.  We also reflected on the Bassistry workshop; learning about life in a Victorian schools; role playing the Victorian classroom; working hard with our Maths and finally finishing off with a lovely afternoon in the beautiful sunshine today.  Mrs Hall is super proud of you all and it has been a fun-filled and enjoyable week and hopefully one where many memories have been made.  Well done Class LH.

Photos show the elastic bands being tied onto the sticks before the scavenger hunt begins.  Just look at the concentration on their faces whilst tying on their findings!!