Monday 11 July 2022

Class LH eroding away

As part of our Coastline topic, we have been exploring how physical processes cause coastal erosion such as the sea and wind and how here in East Anglia our coastline is sadly changing shape very regularly due to this erosion.

To put this to the test we used some sand to create the cliffs and then with a small amount of water, created waves.  We were all amazed to see how quickly the sand eroded with just the effects of the waves.  Some groups had an overhang develop during the erosion process too and cracks were created along the cliff top causing the sand to crumble into the sea. 

We have also been studying the effects of the sea and how different products degrade in the oceans.  We have put a range of six materials into some sea water and every day the children shake the jars to recreate the motion of waves and we have been carefully observing the changes to the materials. At the end of the investigation next week, they will sieve the contents of each jar and examine what is left of the materials compared to what they started with.