Thursday 15 December 2022

Inspired by: Fallen Fields topic - Class SBJA- Year 5

 This term, the children have found their topic 'Fallen Fields' fascinating, moving, inspiring and totally engaging. 

Today, two boys in Class SBJA were so inspired by the topic that when the whole class was given the opportunity to complete an extra Design Technology mini project linked to Christmas, they  very politely asked if they could design a World War II style airfield, complete with living quarters, 'planes, a runway and so on. They had apparently been talking about hoping to make a model at some point. The boys' detailed knowledge and fascination with their topic was inspiring and so is the model, as you will see. They were able to explain why they had chosen to include the different features, why they were relevant, displayed excellent planning skills, effective use of materials, took care  and talked about the features of the design and more. We were really impressed with them and their detailed knowledge.

When the boys shared their model with the the class, the rest of the children broke into  a


spontaneous round of applause, which was lovely. Thank you everybody,