Friday 9 December 2022

Learning in Class MS

As scientists, we have been learning to classify animals based on their diets. We thought about what we had learnt about animals teeth in previous lessons as well as our existing knowledge of animal diets and food chains to place animals within a Venn diagram. We had to classify animals as herbivores (plant based diet), carnivores (meat based diet) and omnivores who eat both were placed in the middle. 

As technicians, we have been learning to record and edit audio using software called audacity. First, we chose a theme to create a podcast on. We had a wide range of themes from animals to football, Pokemon to poetry. In our groups we planned out a script for our podcast to help give them a structure. We used what we had learnt about good audio recording techniques to record our podcasts. This week we have begun to use audacity to edit them to make them sound more like the over 2 million podcasts which exist in the world today. 

As linguists, we have further increasing our knowledge of French as part of our unit 'On the Move'. This week, having previous learnt the words for left, right and go forward, we took our learning out of the classroom in order to give further directions and instructions. In groups, we gave each other a series of commands in French for our partners to follow. These included sautez (jump), courez (run), tournez (turn) and sautez à cloche-pied (stand on one leg). Despite the cold, we were delighted to be able to use the space outside having been rained off last week.