Thursday 9 March 2023

Another busy and active week in Class LH!

Our ‘Paws, Claws and Whiskers’ topic is opening up opportunities for us, as scientists, to begin to think about our big science question “What is camouflage for?”   To start with we have been exploring different diets (omnivores, herbivores and carnivores) of a variety of animals from domestic pets to British animals to the big wild animals found in different habitats such as savannah, grassland, desert, mountain, forests and tropics across the continents. We have been researching a variety of mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and invertebrates in order to write a fact file. We were amazed by some of the facts we found out and we are now beginning to think about why camouflage is important.

As observers, we have enjoyed monitoring the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo and have written to the zookeepers to ask them some questions about the animals at the zoo; about their habitats, diet and camouflage but also particularly about the penguins which we always enjoying checking in on during their nesting period.  We have also been lucky ( and very excited) to see the lions basking (word of the week) in the sunshine this week too.  

As unique individuals in PSHE, we have been finding out about how to stay healthy including staying safe with medicines and how to keep healthy.  So, during our PE lesson we felt our resting heart pulse rate and then we worked out doing a lot of different short 30 second activities such as star jumps, burpees, relay sprints, jogging on the spot and then felt our pulse again. Everyone’s pulse / heart rate had increased. We discussed how keeping fit was good to helping us keep healthy.

As mathematicians, we have been working hard in learning our 2x, 5x and 10x tables doing lots of problem solving, dancing to Supermovers and practicing different ways of finding out answers.

As theologians, we are finding out "Why is prayer important to Christians?"  As writers, the children have written their own prayers and then as artists they have designed their own pages with a prayer hidden inside an envelope (A bit like the Jolly Postman)... we are all enjoying sharing these prayers. 

Artwork by:- Isabelle, Harriet, Ella, Gregory, George, Hugo, Rosie and Piper