Friday 23 June 2023

Class LH are 'on fire' with their learning

As historians and writers, Class LH have been finding out about “The Great Fire of London” and exploring specifically what Thomas Farriner, the baker, would have said the morning the fire broke out.  We wrote different types of sentence about what he said from the bakery.

Harriet's command: “Stand back! Get out of the way of the fire.”

Gregory's statement: “My bread should be cooking not making a fire.” 

Emerson's question: “How did the little spark make such a huge fire?” 

Piper's exclamation: “What a big fire!” 

As historians and musicians, we learnt about the artefacts used during the fire eg firehooks, water barrels, leather buckets.  We rewrote our own versions using these and sang them in class at the end of the lesson.

As theologians, we have been finding out about the way that Jewish families pray and what they are thankful for.  We built Sukkahs and decorated them to be thankful for fruit, vegetables and friends.  We all designed our own Sukkahs using Lego and art straws.  See the pictures below.

As unique thinkers in PSHE, we ventured outside to the shade of the log area.  We talked about each stage of life and the changes from babies to elderly.  We shared with each other baby memories from our families.  Florie says that she was a much “tidier eater” than her brother; Freddie E said that his family recall him crawling “like an army crawl” on elbows without his feet being used. George talked about how he slept a lot as a baby. It was lovely to share these memories together.   

As geographers and IT technicians, we used ‘Google Earth’ to explore Framlingham to identify significant landmarks and other key features of the town understanding the ‘pins’ used to find out about the town.

Such a busy week in class LH with lots of new learning... finished off with great teamwork completing two jigsaws this week!!