Friday, 20 July 2012

End of Year message from Mrs Picton

This morning during assembly David Cranwell shared the achievements which led him to be chosen as an Olympic torch bearer, this indeed was a great honour for him and the children all appreciated the part he played in the Torch Relay. 

It then led us all to think about what we had achieved this year.
The children were full of ideas about their individual achievements ranging from ‘doing joined up writing’ and ‘getting a good report’ to ‘making a new friend’ and ‘going to the beach’.

As a school we all feel that we have ‘made memories’ for our children through our Christmas production, concerts, musical activities, sports, art work, competitions, Church involvement, community involvement eg. the community garden and of course our Royal and Olympic celebrations which even ‘The Times’ commented on!

Our Academic Standards remain high as the Staff and Governors constantly strive to improve the educational opportunities for all our children.

Throughout the year we have encouraged feedback from families and wherever possible the Governors have tried to act on suggestions given, especially through the Parent Questionnaire. They have worked extremely hard this year to improve the educational provision in our school through eg. the new Nursery kitchen, new cleaning contract, Crossing Patrol, painting, new toilets and playground markings to mention just a few.

We know that Ofsted, when they visit us, will make their own decisions which we will embrace when that time comes, but nothing will be able to detract from the pride I feel in our school family.

I am very grateful for all the support we get throughout the year from parents and carers; our amazing team of volunteers; the Friends committee and all who work with them to make events successful; staff; Governors and other members of our community. With your help and support we achieve so much for our children.

Finally, I would like to thank the children. I am very proud of all their achievements this year.  They contribute so much, in so many ways, to make Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s the school it is.
I wish you all a very happy and restful summer break.