Tuesday 27 September 2016

An Autumnal day in Nursery

We started the day by watching a clip about Autumn and talking about the things we could see, particularly focusing on the colours, red, yellow, gold, orange and brown. 
We looked at some other photographs too and then talked about some Autumn words to describe the leaves: rustling, crunchy, tumbling, dropping, spinning, turning, swirling, falling, whirling and golden. We then went to visit our field. While we were there we were looking for Autumn things so that we could use our Autumn words and colours. 
We soon found leaves of all shades and blackberries that Mrs Eyles carefully picked so we could take them back for snack. We spotted ash keys, a snail, apples, mistletoe growing on the tree, red berries, black berries and even a dragonfly! We found twisted leaves too. We felt the wind on our faces, and listened to the leaves rustling in the trees before pretending to be leaves, swirling and twirling and whirling and dropping. We realised that we had used all our Autumn words while we were out. We played with the sycamore seeds, spotted ants and walked through the crunchy leaves on the way back too. What a lovely outing together.