Wednesday 30 January 2019

Miracle of creation

Reverend Martin Dawes came to share the miracle of creation with us during our assembly this afternoon.  

Reverend Dawes started off by showing us a model of a train which the children needed to guess what it was made from.  After many wrong guesses including steel, paper, wood, and metal, he shared with us that it was all made from cardboard.  It was amazing and  in such great detail!  He explained how he had used an instruction manual to help him. 

He then shared with us the miracle of God's creation and talked through each of the seven days of creation and how God had created light, seas, skies, dry ground, lakes, valleys, plants, trees and flowers.  God also then created the sun and the moon, the creatures and finally the people.  God didn't have an instruction manual.  God didn't have a range of materials to use such as the cardboard. 

We are all part of God's creation and we should all endeavour to look after it.