Tuesday 15 February 2022

Computing Day with Class MB, AJ and MV - 15.02.2022

Today in Year 4/5 we have been creating algorithms. The children in Class MB, AJ and MV completed a range of unplugged (non-computer based) activities which supported them to create their own algorithms. The children were able to break down problems into smaller chunks (decomposition); order instructions (sequencing) and make decisions about what information was important and what was not (abstraction). Some were even able to use the repeat function to simplify their code!

The children worked in pairs using the principals of pair programming. This allowed the children to work collaboratively, communicating effectively to solve complex problems. Please do get the children to tell you about the roles of the Driver and the Navigator; they worked together beautifully today!

Well done Year 4/5. What a wonderful day of computing! 

P.S. More photos to come...