Wednesday 29 June 2022

Class LH learning about trust!!

As part of our RE, we were finding out “Why Christians trust Jesus and follow him?”. 

We used various scenarios to learn to trust each other.  In pairs, one person had their eyes closed and their partner led them around the playground giving clear instructions.  We found this a bit tricky - it was easier when our partner held our arms to guide us but we learnt how to trust each other and listen carefully to instruction in order to stay safe.

We have discussed many bible stories that showed how people trusted Jesus; Jesus heals a paralysed man; Jesus commands a storm to stop; Jesus feeds 5000; Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus and Jesus heals Jarius’ daughter.  We used role play to act these stories out emphasising the trust that Jesus showed.  

We shared the story of Zacchaeus and recreated the moment when Jesus spoke to him in the tree asking him to come down and showing the trust that he in Jesus.  We made moving models of Zacchaeus up the tree and moved him down once Jesus had spoken to him.