On the 11th May class NS/JB visited the Framlingham council allotments. where Mr Byer gave a tour and a talk about many tools and plants. Each of th

e allotment plots cost £10 per year, each of which have an amazing view of Framlingham castle. They mostly had a mixture of fruit, veg and flowers. Some of the fruits were rhubarb (now ready to be picked), grapes, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries and some of the veg such as carrots, potatoes, onions/spring onions, and beetroot. There were also some herbs like chives and sage. One of the residents of their allotments had a vineyard and a skull in the middle to scare away evil spirits. As parts as our eco warriors topic we looked at how the allotments use compost bins water butts and other recycled materials such as plastic bottles. Mrs Bell and Mrs Rowles also have plots in the allotments.

Report by Georgie and Molly (Class NS / JB)