Thursday, 18 May 2017

"Scented Gardens" artwork in Class LH

Dufy has inspired the LH artists! 

Raoul Dufy was a French painter who developed a colourful, decorative style that became fashionable for designs of ceramics and textiles.  Class LH have been inspired by this style and created their own versions of Dufy's 3D work.  

The vases were created using wallpaper which was measured accurately and placed to create a 3D effect for the base of the picture.  The children then painted free-style onto the vases to create the background of the flowers as though they had just been picked. They then revisited their paintings using pen and ink to add detail to the paintings to enhance the features of the flowers and the leaves. 

After this, 3D bugs were designed and produced to add the finishing effects to the artwork.  

Creating background of flowers onto the vase.

 Pen and ink used to emphasise features on leaves and flowers.


Bugs added for the final detail to the vases and flowers.