Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Gardening Club get inspired!

Gardening Club visit the allotments

On Monday, during gardening club, we were lucky enough to be invited to visit Mr Byer's allotment. He told us a brief history of the allotments and then very generously allowed the children to look at his and some of the other allotments.  We met Mr Smith who was busy transplanting out his onion sets using his dibber.  He told the children about how, when he was a boy here at the school, he used to have gardening lessons one afternoon a week (usually a Wednesday) and all of the children helped dig, weed, sow and look after the crops in order to provide vegetables for the school kitchens.   We all found it very informative and interesting. 

The crops were well and truly on their way and we saw some enormous strawberries, rhubarb, hairy gooseberries and some redcurrants (although they were white and hadn't ripened yet!).  We also saw lots of flowers as well as vegetables such as lettuces, beans, potatoes, tomatoes and peas.  Mr Byer challenged the children by telling them that there was a vegetable for each letter of the alphabet, apart from the letter 'X' -  even including the letter 'Z' - Can you guess which vegetable it was?    (Clue: the American name for an everyday green vegetable!)  

                  Looking at the gardening club beds and seeing the progress in the plants. 

Mr Byer talking to the children about the allotments.

Mr Duggen sharing his knowledge with a group, studying the crops that are being grown. 

Enjoying the allotments and their fruits.