Monday 30 September 2024

Christening - KS1

On Friday afternoon the whole of KS1 went to the church for a Christening experience.

We were greeted at the door by Rev Chris Davey who led us all into the church. The ‘parents, Godparents and siblings’ were seated in the front pew while other family members sat behind. Rev Chris then took us through everything that would happen in a real Christening. The anointing with oil, the prayer and the promise of the God parents.

All the congregation were then invited around the font to see the water being made Holy and the baby having the Holy water poured over her head. The Ks1  baby was Christened Poppy Blossom.

The Godparents were then given a candle to show that they would lead Poppy Blossom in the light of the world and follow the teachings of Jesus.