Year 3, 4 and 5 had an educational morning in and around the
Castle on Friday exploring three different activities. Unfortunately due
to the weather, we were not able to go ahead with the planned KS2
assembly on the castle meadow as the rain was trying its hardest to ruin
our morning… however… best of British!! We were determined not to be beaten and
enjoy our morning, we headed off en masse.
There were three activities:- a treasure hunt inside the
castle looking for clues about the history and learning about the importance of
the castle; Mr Bennet-King adapted the planned rounders game to enable a safe
activity that all the year groups enjoyed to enhance teamwork and there was
also a drama-based activity, where the children were able to rehearse and
perform their favourite Ancient Greek myths to each other.
Everyone really enjoyed the morning enhancing their learning
about the various areas of the curriculum. Thank you to all
the parent helpers and volunteers who made this possible.