Tuesday 11 July 2017

Class AB's DT day

Class AB have had a great DT day making their cars. First we looked and researched different vehicles. We thought about their colours and why they were shaped the way they are. We then designed our own cars before carefully drawing it onto the cuboid net. We had to cut our own dowling rod for the axles, using a saw, a special board and a G clamp. We measured the dowling rod so that we could cut it in two equal halves. Once we had finished decorating the nets, we then had to stick them together. We found this very tricky but everyone worked together and persevered. Finally, we just needed to put the box for the bottom together and decorate the wheels before assembling each of the parts. There were some experts who help other children fold to make their boxes. Last of all we attached the axles to the bottom of the box, added the wheels and then stuck the net on top. At the end we got to look at everybody's cars. We evaluated our cars, thinking about what went well and what we could do better next. 

Take a look at some of our finished products. Can you guess what our vehicles are?