As you all know, the world cup has come to south Africa this year, and to celebrate, Mr Brook organised a mini world cup for all the children in upper KS2
We were given our countries by our class teachers, and we had to study that country. The 8 teams were Uruguay, Algeria, South Korea, Chile, Ghana, Denmark, Slovakia and Ivory Coast. After studying our countries, we made badges displaying our team flags, to wear on the day of the mini world cup.
The day of the mini world cup finally came, and we went up to the field to compete against each other during the activities set out. The 8 sports were:
Football - Shots
Score as many penalty shots at an open goal as possible in 5 minutes
Rugby - Pass between posts
Pass as many rugby balls between the posts as possible in 5 minutes
Cricket - Hit off tee
Hit as many cricket balls between the posts off a tee as possible in 5 minutes
Hockey - Dribble
Dribble as many hockey balls between 6 closely spaced cones as possible
Under a net
Get as many people across the coarse by crawling under the nets as possible in 5 minutes
Running - Hurdles
Get as many people in your team across the coarse by jumping over the hurdles as possible in 5 minutes
Beanbags - Pick up
Get as many beanbags across the track as possible in 5 minutes
Netball - Shots
Score as many times as possible in 5 minutes
The Mini World Cup got off to a cracking start, with the benchmarks being set after the first round. A point was available for every time we achieved the goal of the game. The overall scores were awarded according to the finishing position in each sport. An extra point was available after every round for the team that sat down in their line first, and another point for the team that displayed encouragement and teamwork throughout each round. Points were also available at the end of the competition for each high score each team got in an activity.
As the end approached, it turned out to be a three horse race between Ghana, Chile and Algeria, as they were the only teams bearing high scores in the activities. The scores turned out:
1st: Algeria
2nd: Ghana
3rd: Chile
4th: Denmark and Uruguay
5th: Ivory Coast
6th: South Korea and Slovakia
Report written by David and Jacob from Class RV