The evening was supported by coaches and members from Framlingham Youth Football Club, Magpies Hockey Club, Framlingham Tennis Club, Woodbridge Rugby Club, Framlingham Ladies Netball Team, Skipping from Small Earth Games Company and Framlingham Kuk Sool Won.
It gave the children the opportunity to have lots of fun whilst learning new sports and skills. There was a lovely Maypole demonstration, and the evening was rounded off brilliantly with some hard-won Tugs of War thanks to Mr Campbell from the Scouts.
On top of all that there was a Bouncy Castle, Face Painting (courtesy of some lovely girls from TMHS), Cakes, Toy & Book Stalls, Eco-Stall, Lucky dips, Tombolas, Tuck Shop, a licenced bar (selling LOTS of Pimms!) and a fantastic hot food stand - the yummiest burgers and hot dogs ever!
The Friends would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the fantastic parents and staff who gave their support in helping set up, run stalls and do the clearing up at the end. Without all your help we could not have made it the success it undoubtedly was.