Monday 23 January 2023

Eco- Council Litter Pick

Recently, the Eco- Council got together and decided to take some immediate action by conducting a litter pick around school. The children were suitably prepared for the task, and we went off on our mission. Both playgrounds were covered, as well as the staff car park areas and dining areas. 

On the playgrounds, the children collected fruit and veg which had been dropped or discarded by children and not picked up and binned. We discussed the wider implications of this and children quite rightly we're concerned if this continued. 

Other items we picked up were food bags/wrappers, a sponge, snack pot lids. We also talked the impact and worried about about small animals consuming wrappers and micro plastics getting into water sources by air travel, particularly the Mere. We also said that it looked untidy. 

Going forward, the Eco-Council believe saving the planet starts with us at home and school - they're going to work hard to model positive behaviours to their peers. They will speak to their classes about putting rubbish in bins or back in lunch boxes to take home, and to encourage everyone to pick up and bin litter when they see it.