Monday 23 January 2023

‘Spotlight on Maths’ week

Last week, the children at SRH took part in varied maths activities across the school, which then concluded in Miss. Whipps leading an assembly so that classes from Reception to Year 6 could share their learning. 

It was lovely to see the range of tasks, for instance, Reception have been learning about numbers beyond 20, Year 1 blended maths and art and looked at the famous artist  about Kandinsky and his mathematical artwork. 

Year 2 talked about coordinates, whereas Year 3 and 4 used ‘Song Maker’ to create maths musical compositions. 

In Upper Key Stage 2, Year 5 investigated Fibonacci and Year 6 researched different mathematicians who ultimately had a significant impact on society and mathematical thinking. 

It was lovely to share the learning across the school as a whole. Additionally, we talked about how we come across maths everywhere we look.