Monday 9 January 2023

Good deeds abound!!

We welcomed in the New Year, and as theologians, Class LH have spent the week finding out about “Why learning to do good deeds is so important to Jewish people?” 

We started the discussion sharing good deeds that we have done at home.  Ethan has helped his mum clean the house; Stanley had helped his mum wash up; Polly helped tidy up her bedroom and Ella helped put her toys away.  There were lots of other good deeds completed too!  We found out that Jewish people call these a “Mitzvah”.  As actors, we role played different Mitzvah from the book “It’s a mitzvah” such as sharing meals, being a good friend, looking after the sick, honouring parents, helping others in need and looking after the world. (see photos)

As Mathematicians, we talked about 3D shapes before making a Tzedakah box which is used to collect money to give to charity.  As designers, we created our own designs for these (see photo).  As writers, we wrote different types of sentences, (command, statements, question and exclamations) for the story of Ruth and her journey to Bethlehem. 

As unique individuals, we explored ‘Tikkun Olam’ thinking about repairing the world and Mother Earth.  We stuck plasters with our thoughts about how we could fix the Earth and its environmental issues (see photo).  As musicians, we learnt a song about Tikkun Olam.

As theologians, we also looked at synagogues and all the different parts and as writers, we drew and labelled the parts inside the synagogue.

To finish off the week, the children were given an option to create something linked to their new learning using either collage, painting, Lego, drawing or building blocks.  Some examples are shown below along with other photos of the role play, writing, labelling and synagogue.

A great start to the new year Class LH and keep up the good deeds!!