Sunday 8 January 2023

Nursery - First week back

We had a wonderful first few days back in Nursery last week welcoming our existing children, as well as our new starters, who all settled in brilliantly! 

We enjoyed being together playing games using our wonderful imaginations and practising taking turns. We spent time being artists, creating with the paints, crayons and with the dough, using our strong muscles to squash the dough flat to use the cutters, and using our developing fine motor skills to manipulate it into balls and other shapes. 

We enjoyed sharing books including Stickman and I love you just the way you are, talking about how the characters were feeling and what might happen next. 

We enjoyed being outside exploring the wet leaves, sharing more books and building obstacle courses to practise our balancing too. 

A lovely time together! Happy New Year! 

Our artists
Using big muscles!
