Wednesday 12 June 2024

Year 6 Residential - Day 3 Different Perspectives, Race around Europe & Archery

Today after a breakfast of beans on toast, cereal and juice, we met at the Basecamp for the ‘thought of the day’.

Phil talked about the importance of seeing things from a different perspective and how this can be applied to all areas of our lives. The children did an activity based on the book ‘Zoom’ where they were each given a picture and had to order them as a group, but without talking at all! The children put a lot of thought into this and had different ideas about which end was the beginning and which was the end.

Next the children played a game called ‘Race around Europe’ which involved being timed to find different destinations according to their own card. They had to make it back to Ipswich to finish.

The carousel of activities continue today; here are some pictures of the group doing Archery in the incredible indoor sports hall. They have been shown how to be safe around the equipment and given excellent instruction on positioning and accuracy.