Tuesday 24 May 2016

Super Sculptures

Mrs Ambrose and Miss Whipps are enjoying working with their classes on a special project which has been designed and led by Mrs Turner.
Under Mrs Turner’s expert guidance the children have worked really hard and are well on their way to producing some great pieces of work.

This is what the children had to say:
‘Our topic is the Ancient Greeks, who started the Olympics. So, we are making sculptures of athletes in the modern day Olympics.’
‘We had to bring in a picture of an Olympic athlete. Mrs Turner showed us to sketch the person (and the horse in some cases) using lots of skills. We had to be careful to draw it in proportion. We used a wooden manikin with moveable joints  to learn about proportion.’
‘Our next job was to make a model of our athlete out of masking tape and newspaper. It was hard and tricky but we did it.’
‘Then, we had to cover our model in tin foil to get it ready for modroc with Mrs Turner. Modroc is like a bandage which has plaster of Paris on it. You soak strips of it in water and then wrap it carefully around your sculpture. You then let it set hard. It was important to cover all the newspaper so that the newspaper and masking tape did not go soggy. We also had to keep the joints of the person and the person’s shape defined.’

The project is going to continue for  a while yet and we look forward to showing you the next instalment.

The staff are enjoying seeing the children  develop their skills and work to such a high standard.