Friday 18 November 2022

A Week in the Life of MS

Having started with the help of our adults during our share session, we completed our Fallen Fields collages and evaluated our work; thinking about how we mirrored the style of our chosen artist Giles Davies and what ways we could improve our final compositions. 

Here are our final pieces, along with some from Class MB, proudly displayed in the corridor outside of our classroom. 

As sportspeople, we were determined not to let the wet weather get in the way of our fitness regime. On Thursday, we turned our classroom into a yoga studio and developed our flexibility and agility whilst also allowing some time for mindfulness when faced with a gloomy, grey day. 

On Friday, as part of our Children in Need day, we thought about how fortunate we are to be in a school with so many resources to help us become more athletic and keep us fit. We decided to use our school PE resources to create imaginative and active games which would benefit children with a range of skills and abilities. Lots made obstacle courses with different elements whilst others created games designed to improve throwing accuracy and coordination. 

As writers, we have been exploring the story of The Lion and The Unicorn by Shirley Hughes ahead of writing our own version. As part of this we created an emotional line graph which plotted and showed the variety of emotions felt by the main character Lenny Levi, an evacuee sent out of London. We had to challenge ourselves to use a wide range of words for the different emotions and used a thesaurus to help us avoid repeating the same words.