Friday 18 November 2022

Class VW this week…

This week, Miss. Whipps has been impressed by the children who have all worked really hard. In English/ Topic, the children have been learning about the outbreak of WW2 and investigated the moment in detail. We listened to the address give by Neville Chamberlain and tried to imagine how people would have felt at that time. We identified the features of a newspaper report and constructed our own versions, editing as appropriate. The children included snippets from the address in their reports. As mathematicians, the children have been getting to grips with multiplying and dividing fractions, using visual representations to reinforce learning. This afternoon, the children enjoyed PE on the field with the other year 6 class and SBJA, where they played either football or tag rugby.

It was lovely seeing all the children in their own clothes today and we discussed various projects that Children In Need supports locally. Additionally, we looked at some of the stories of individuals who have been supported by the funding that Children In Need provides. We were overwhelmed by the positivity of the children we saw and could really see the benefit of this critical fundraising event.  We then thought about our ‘Toy Sale’ next week and considered how this was part of ‘doing our bit’ to help local children and families.