Thursday 19 January 2023

Hola Mexico - The 'Ultimate' Quesadilla'

 Last week, Key Stage 2 enjoyed tasting quesadillas as part of the D.T. element of their ' Wow Day' with Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Borg.

Several children have asked if they could have the recipe and Mrs Jenkins has kindly given it to us.

Mrs Jenkins did not include the chicken that you will see in this recipe. We have discovered that Mexican people often have their own version of quesadillas and do not follow a recipe. Often, people in Mexico add in the ingredients that they have in their fridge or store cupboard and adjust the spices to taste. Some quesdillas, like the ones in this recipe contain meat, but if you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can adapt the recipe to suit you and your family.

Happy cooking. We look forward to hearing about how you got on.