Our worship value is 'Courage' and we liked the quotation that you will see in a photograph about this. It provoked a very thoughtful discussion in class. As writers, the class' enthusiasm was inspired by a creation myth shared at the start of the week and the class have worked hard on creating their own version of a myth.
Friday, 13 January 2023
SBJA's - Wonderful Week
Class SBJA's teachers have been really impressed this week. The children have been super hardworking and covered lots of learning. This has included being 'Geographers and Historians, Deep Thinkers and more. The class wrote and punctuated great questions about the Ancient Maya, modern day Mexico and decided how they could guide their learning to develop their education further. Two pupils took charge of a display entitled 'Turning over a new leaf' showing the class' ideas about developing learning further and their hard work has paid off. As Mathematicians, the children have worked steadily on their learning about equivalent fractions and it was very interesting to note that when visualising cutting up food fairly into equivalent fractions, the children were quick to grasp the concept of equivalent fractions and their associated learning soon moved 'up a gear'. In French, we soon discovered as linguists who could say ,"J'aime les oranges ,' who only liked certain fruits or who could not bear them and could say this in French. Bien!