Monday 14 October 2024

UKS2 Incarnation trip to St. Michael's

On Thursday, the whole of UKS2 went to St. Micheal's Church to find out more about Incarnation. As part of our RE learning, children have been learning about the Christian belief that God became flesh  in the form of Jesus Christ.  The children had the opportunity to ask Rev'd Chris Davey a number of questions- here are some of them: 

  • What evidence is there that the incarnation happened in Framlingham Church? 
  • Why are there differences in the scientific and religious communities about how the world started? 
  • Has anyone found any historical artefacts to prove he was real? 
  • Do you think Jesus will come back in the future? 
  • Why do different countries portray Jesus so differently in their art work? 

A big thank you to Reverend Chris for tackling our questions! It certainly gave us lots to think about and gave us a deeper understanding from a Christian's perspective.