Sunday 19 March 2023

Celebrating Science week in Nursery

We have loved continuing our learning as Scientists in Nursery over the last week, as part of the whole school Science week.

After all our colour mixing last week, this week we experimented with coloured water with our daffodils. The children knew that cut flowers needed to be put in water to stay alive and the coloured water was able to prove to us that the stem draws up the water into the whole plant. We also saw again the colour that blue and red make when mixed together! Amazing! 

We planted some seed potatoes (inside because of the wild wind on Monday). We have been chitting them and watching them sprout first. The children knew they needed water and sunshine to help them grow. We talked about the sun providing light and warmth.  


We also had the most wonderful time at the whole school Science Fair, absolutely wowed by the exhibits and excited to find the Nursery entries and #Scienceselfies too. Big thanks to the amazing Y6 scientist helpers!


Another busy week playing, exploring and learning together!