Thursday 30 March 2023

The Friends Fundraising!

We're delighted to announce that last week's school disco raised over a whopping £1,100! Thank you to everyone involved in this event!

This goes some way in helping us hit the £6,000 target which we've set for this academic year. Please see our poster attached which details how much all the wonderful fundraising activities have raised so far this year and some up-and-coming events for you to put in your diary.

The poster illustrates the wish list of products that the school would like to use the money for - from reading books and maths resources to rugs and laptops!

If you have any further ideas you think the school could consider or can help with any of these wish list items (perhaps through your work), please let us know by emailing us at


The children have created mini self-portraits which have been combined onto two wonderful Commemorative 2023 Coronation tea towels (one for Nursery, Reception, Year 1+2, the other for Year 3 to Year 6).  We will need to confirm order quantities to the supplier so if you would like to order any PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM SENT EARLIER TODAY.  The deadline to order is BY EASTER MONDAY.

We'd like to thank you all for your on-going support and a big thanks to all those volunteers who have helped us so far. Have a lovely Easter break and we'll be in contact with you in the summer term with more details on what we've got planned!

Thank you from The Friends