Thursday 25 May 2023

Year 2 racing around!

As readers, writers and mathematicians, year 2 have worked incredibly hard with their SATs over the past couple of weeks.  Well done to you all for such a great attitude.  And so, with great excitement and eagerness, we headed up to the sports field to, what has to be, the best view from any sports field in the locality!  We are so lucky to have such a marvellous view in Framlingham!!

As sportspeople, we enjoyed practicing and learning some of the skills needed for sports day such as getting the lead leg correct in the hurdles; staying in the tracks for the running; using perseverance with the stilts and getting in and out of the sacks ready to jump.  We were also learning the new skill of throwing a vortex accurately and most of us managed to improve our throwing throughout the lesson. Phew – what an action packed afternoon!!