Tuesday 3 October 2023

A little taste of Europe!

As Linguists, we all enjoyed partaking in European Language Day.  There was a lot of new learning not only about France and the French language,  which we learn about in Key Stage 2, but also about other European countries.  As geographers, the cultural differences were explored along with finding out about the physical geography, flags, capital cities and speaking some of the language spoken. 

Here is a taste of some of the activities that we got up to:-

Class KH enjoyed making Romanian making Pasca (bread); Class JT tasted French ‘crepes’ and ‘pain au chocolat’ for their breakfast; Class DR explored Italy;  Class CR heard from one of the parents to find out about Ukraine; Class LHMBr listened to some Polish stories and also tried a few French cheeses; Class MS focused on the Czech Republic;  Class KV compared cultural differences between several European countries; Class SBJA discovered different ways to say greetings in different languages and investigated Portugal; Class SBr explored Sweden creating posters and enjoying a sing-a-long and dancing to Abba; and Class VW concentrated on Germany.  

Some classes made wreaths out of the flags of the countries or symbols linked to the country and others created posters.