Thursday 13 October 2022

"And the taste of apple pie..................." (from Autumn Days hymn).

Class SBJA were lucky enough to make  individual Dutch apple pies today with Mrs Jenkins,  so were able to actually taste the flavours of Autumn just like  the words from the famous Autumn hymn above.

Everybody enjoyed cutting, weighing,  chopping, sifting, mixing, rolling, shaping, flavouring and preparing the Dutch apple pies which are actually called, Appeltaart in Dutch. This D.T. lesson followed on from our European Day of Languages when we learned all about the Netherlands. Mrs Jenkins was born there but has lived in England for 43 years. She is very proud of her heritage and today we used her special recipe from a  Dutch cookery book that Mrs Jenkins brought with her from The Netherlands when she moved here. Mrs Jenkins had to translate the recipe so we all knew what to do. Some of the words are similar to their English equivalent.

The adjectives used  by the children to describe the aroma during the baking part of the lesson were, ' flavoursome, rich, warm, Autumnal, yummy and fruity.' 

Thank you to the children and Mrs Jenkins for wonderful end results today and a very enjoyable lesson with some fabulous learning.

D E L IC I O U S !