Tuesday 11 October 2022

Class LH are on the hunt as Street Detectives!

Class LH enjoyed a lovely afternoon walking around Framlingham looking for evidence of changes to buildings over the past 100 years or so.  They were using their observational skills to identify many similarities and differences of the shop frontages.  Many children noticed how some shapes and designs of windows and doors had not changed even after all these years!

The children made some great sketchings of windows, doors, roofs and chimneys along with other interesting features of buildings such as the light on the Crown Hotel, the square chimney pots in the Market Hill and there were some amazing ancient door knockers on a variety of old wooden doors.  We also spotted the old Victorian post box in Double Street and talked about the design of the new ones which will have King Charles III insignia on them. 

It was amazing to see so many different aspects of the different buildings in and around Framlingham. 

Thank you to the parent helpers who kindly offered to help along with our lovely teaching assistants, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Crittenden, who made the trip possible.