Thursday 14 March 2024

Science Heart Dissection

This week, year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to take part in a lamb heart dissection. Today (Wednesday), KV were the first class to engage in the experience. After talking about the ethical and moral considerations, we discussed the need to demonstrate respect as this was once part of a living creature. After talking about the health and safety elements, Miss. Whipps demonstrated the techniques and we focused our dissection on a few key aspects:

  • To identify the left and right side, seeing how the left walls were bigger to facilitate the flow of oxygenated blood
  • To identify the 4 chambers: left and right atria and left and right ventricles
  • To identify the septum 
  • To identify major vessels, e.g. the aorta 
  • To appreciate the size 

So far, the children appeared to enjoy the experience.